School of Paris

We offer a selection of original works from the School of Paris (École de Paris) This movement consisted of an informal group of artists, most of whom were actually not French but rather central European immigrants. Many of these artists happened to be Jewish. They are often referred to as the School of Montparnasse (Ecole de Montparnasse). You can find here original paintings for sale as well as works on paper available to buy online. One of the main figures of this group is the beloved Marc Chagall, part of La Ruche together with other modern masters such as Moïse Kisling, Chaïm Soutine or Fernand Leger. Pablo Picasso, who was working at the Bateau Lavoir in his early Paris years, located in Montmartre, is also often associated with the School of Paris although he was actually totally free of any group and never formally adhered to any movement, not even cubism. There is the so-called Premiére Ecole de Paris (First School of Paris) for the first generation of artists and the Seconde Ecole de Paris (Second School of Paris). Explore the many original Chagall paintings and Chagall works for immediate purchase we present in this section. Chagall is an artist we have been dealing with for many years and have sold many of his artworks.

  • Henri Hayden (1883 - 1970) Nature morte au citron

    Oil on canvas
    60 x 80.5 cm (23 ⁵/₈ x 31 ³/₄ inches)
    Signed lower right, Hayden
    Signed and dated on the reverse, H. Hayden / III-1920
  • Maurice de Vlaminck (1876 - 1958) La Route

    Oil on canvas
    64.8 x 81 cm (25 ¹/₂ x 31 ⁷/₈ inches)
    Signed lower left, Vlaminck
  • Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985) Fête au Village

    Gouache and crayon on Japon paper
    56.7 x 76.8 cm (22 ⅜ x 30 ¼ inches)
    Signed lower right, Chagall Marc
    Executed in 1969
  • Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985) Couple Allongé au Grand Bouquet

    Gouache, tempera, pastel and Chinese ink on paper
    76.1 x 56.9 cm (30 x 22 ³/₈ inches)
    Signed with Estate stamp lower left, Marc Chagall
    Executed circa 1978
  • Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985) Peintre au Chevalet au Bouc Jaune

    Gouache, tempera, pastel, coloured crayon and Chinese ink on paper
    76.1 x 56.4 cm (30 x 22 ¹/₄ inches)
    Signed with Estate stamp lower left, Marc Chagall
    Executed circa 1976
  • Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985) Jonas

    Indian ink on paper
    35.6 x 26.9 cm (14 x 10 ⅝ inches)
    Signed with Estate stamp lower left, Marc Chagall
    Executed in 1958-59
  • Maurice Utrillo (1883 - 1955) Place Jean-Baptiste-Clément

    Oil on cradled panel
    51.3 x 76.2 cm (20¹/₄ x 30 inches)
    Signed towards lower right, Maurice. Utrillo. V.
    Executed circa 1918
  • Louis Marcoussis (1878/1883 - 1941) La Seine et la Tour Eiffel, vue d'un balcon

    Oil on canvas
    33 x 66 cm (13 x 26 inches)
    Signed lower left, Marcoussis
    Executed in 1925
  • Michel Kikoïne (1892 - 1968) Paysage d'Annay-sur-Serein

    Oil on canvas
    54 x 65 cm (21 ¹/₄ x 25 ⁵/₈ inches)
    Signed and dated lower right, Kikoïne 1951
  • Henri Hayden (1883 - 1970) Coquillage et réveil en rouge

    Oil on paper laid down on isorel
    33.5 x 46 cm (13 ¹/₄ x 18 ¹/₈ inches)
    Signed and dated lower left, Hayden 64
  • Jean Dufy (1888 - 1964) Corrida Espagnole

    Oil on canvas
    33.2 x 55.3 cm (13 ¹/₈ x 21 ³/₄ inches)
    Signed lower right, Jean Dufy
  • Jean Dufy (1888 - 1964) Parade Mexicaine

    Gouache on Ingres paper
    45.1 x 55.6 cm (17³/₄ x 21⁷/₈ inches)
    Signed lower centre, Jean Dufy 
    Executed circa 1948-1950
  • Henri Epstein (1892 - 1944) River Landscape

    Oil on canvas
    55 x 81 cm (21 ⁵/₈ x 31 ⁷/₈ inches)
    Signed lower left H Epstein
  • Jules Pascin (1885 - 1930) Rebecca Couchée

    Oil over pencil on canvas
    73.1 x 91.8 cm (28 ¾ x 36 ⅛ inches)
    Signed lower right, Pascin
    Executed in 1927, Boulevard de Clichy, Paris
  • Joseph Pressmane (1904 - 1967) Still Life with Candlestick and Book

    Oil on board
    35.5 x 42 cm (14 x 16 ¹/₂ inches)
    Signed and dated lower left, J. Pressmane 57