
Cubism is one of the most important movements in the history of art and a ground-breaking period of Modern Art. The term was initially coined by Louis Vauxcelles who mocked this style. The key artists within this group were Picasso, Lèger, Braque and Gris, also known as the Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler team Together they quickly became the most sought after blue-chip artists of their time. We offer here a selection of cubist paintings for sale as well as original artworks executed by followers of cubism. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque developed the so-called cubisme analytique (analytical cubism) followed by cubisme synthètique (synthetic cubism). Today, one of the world's most important art collections, the Lauder Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, holds what is known to be the most important collection of cubist works, built around the collection of Douglas Cooper. Followers of cubism such as Gleizes and Metzinger, members of the Section d'Or or Groupe de Puteaux, were the first to theorise Cubism in their 1912 book "Du Cubisme". Another important historic dealer was Lèonce Rosenberg with his Paris gallery 'l'Effort Moderne'. Important publications such as "der Sturm" in Germany contributed to the development of the importance of cubism amongst international collectors and museums. Cubism later led to other important movements such as surrealism, der Blau Reiter, The Eight (Nyolcak), Bauhaus, post-Cubism, avant guard, Czech Cubism of the Mánes Union of Fine Arts, Cubo-Expressionism, Cubism and Constructivism or Figurative Constructivism just to name a few. On our online gallery you can buy original Cubist paintings. This section of works from our gallery shows original cubist oil paintings available for immediate purchase.

  • Georges Valmier (1885 - 1937) Paysage dans la montagne

    Watercolour and gouache on paper
    13 x 17 cm (5 ¹/₈ x 6 ³/₄ inches)
    Signed lower right, G. VALMIER
    Executed circa 1926
  • Henri Hayden (1883 - 1970) Nature morte au citron

    Oil on canvas
    60 x 80.5 cm (23 ⁵/₈ x 31 ³/₄ inches)
    Signed lower right, Hayden
    Signed and dated on the reverse, H. Hayden / III-1920
  • Béla Kádár (1877 - 1956) Untitled

    Oil on canvas
    97.5 x 76.5 cm (38 ³/₈ x 30 ¹/₈ inches)
    Signed lower right, KÁDÁR BÉLA
    Executed circa 1920
  • Ismael De La Serna (1898 - 1968) Still Life with Violin

    Oil on canvas
    81 x 65 cm (31 ⁷/₈ x 25 ⁵/₈ inches)
    Signed lower centre, La Serna
    Executed circa 1930
  • Léopold Survage (1879 - 1968) Ville

    Oil and graphite on canvas
    73.4 x 60 cm (28 ⁷/₈ x 23 ⁵/₈ inches)
    Signed and dated lower right, Survage 24
  • Louis Marcoussis (1878/1883 - 1941) La Seine et la Tour Eiffel, vue d'un balcon

    Oil on canvas
    33 x 66 cm (13 x 26 inches)
    Signed lower left, Marcoussis
    Executed in 1925